
Male cubicle dweller #1: Tell you what, if you grow your hair shoulder-length, I'll braid it for you.
Male cubicle dweller #2: Deal!
Male cubicle dweller #1: Do you want me to sign a post-it or something… like a contract?
Male cubicle dweller #2: No, I trust you.


Overheard by: They had no idea I was here

Old woman at check-in desk: I used to have a lot more sex when I was younger… There weren’t any TVs back then.

Main Street
Wolfville, Nova Scotia

Boss: I need you to work your superpowers for me.
Stunned office monkey: In the office?!

Argentia Road

Overheard by: My superpower is top secret

Patient: Where’s the bathroom?
Receptionist: On your way out, you can just go in that corner.

Dentist’s Office
Ottawa, Ontario

Overheard by: Avoiding the corner

Co-worker #1: …no, the cervix is attached to the uterus, but it’s not the uterus, the uterus is different–
Co-worker #2: You guys have the best conversations first thing in the morning.
Co-worker #3: You just missed the bit about the penis.
Co-worker #2: No, I didn’t.

557 Church Street
Toronto, Ontario

Geeky cashier: How are you pay'n for this?
Guy in a hurry: Cash.
Geeky cashier: Like cash, cash?
Guy in a hurry: What?

Best Buy
Ontario, Canadia

Designer to sales rep, about ad consultation: Do you want to do it with me right now?
Sales rep: You can do me right now? I'll just go downstairs and get my stuff.
Designer: The room is free, so we'll have no problem getting it in.


Overheard by: m00nwater

Office grunt #1: Hey! So, you’re back in the office, eh? Where were you last week?
Office grunt #2: Oh, I was in Guatemala.
Office grunt #1: Really? In Europe?
Office grunt #2: No.

Ottawa, Ontario

Overheard by: Anonymous

Office Assistant: If I go back to the phone without an answer this guy is going to eat me out.
Manager: I think you mean chew you out.

1125 Colonel Drive
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Overheard by: WOW @ CU

Staff: You have a second?
IT: Nope, completely out of stock on those.

200 Front Street W
Toronto, Ontario