
Office girl #1: But I thought he was, like, Mexican or Brazilian or something.
Office girl #2: No, he’s Filipino.
Office girl #1: Oh, so, like… Um…
Office girl #2: It’s like half-Mexican, half-Chinese.
Office girl #1: But he’s gay, right?
Office girl #2: Definitely — all gay.
Office girl #1: He’s from Gay Land!

Ad agency
Toronto, Ontario

Overheard by: Half-Offended-Half-Laughing

Woman in cubicle on call with overseas agent: Oh, hello… were you in Slumdog Millionaire?
Confused customer service agent: What?


Overheard by: poking my eyes out with my pen

Suit #1: I’m going to need that project done for Monday. Can you get on that right now?
Suit #2: It’s Friday, and I have beer to drink. It’s really going to have to wait.

4881 Yonge Street
Toronto, Ontario

Peon on phone, about his son: … So I bought him condoms… Yes, Mom, I know he’s 15, but I was having sex at 15…

Toronto, Ontario

Overheard by: amused and disgusted all at once

Older coworker: My father worked the poles for 45 years.
(blank stares from everyone else)
Older coworker: What? He'd climb the poles all day, and he'd still be doing it now if Bell hadn't offered a real good retirement deal.
Younger coworker: Wait, do you mean by Bell the telephone company?
Older coworker: Yeah, he was a line repairman.
Younger coworker, realizing: Ohhh.
Older coworker: Why are you acting so surprised, what else would I mean?


Overheard by: Next Room Over

30-something female employee #1: Do you have a pink cowboy hat?
30-something female employee #2: Uh… Let me think. (pause) No, sorry.
30-something female employee #1: Oh, well. It seemed like something you would have.
30-something female employee #2: No, but you know who does have them? GT. And they're like 10 bucks there!
30-something female employee #1: Yeah! Giant Tiger, awesome!
30-something female employee #2: See, this is why I took Friday off, cause you're going to come in all pinkified…


Overheard by: Lannie

Male coworker: It’s funny, but my son is too embarrassed to buy condoms, so he just has anal sex with his girlfriend.
Female coworker: That’s a good idea.

Yellowknife, Northwest Territories
British Columbia

Overheard by: Stinky Pinky

Teacher: Fix the photocopier, it’s not working.
Secretary: What did you do to it?
Teacher: Nothing, it’s just jammed, unjam it.
Secretary: Oh my god, what is that smell…what did you do?
Teacher: Nothing.
Secretary: Did you put transparencies in here? Oh my god, you did! Dude! You can’t do that! They’ll melt! This is a colour photocopier.
Teacher: I wanted colour transparencies.
Secretary: You are so demoted to mimeograph!

557 Church Street
Toronto, Ontario

Woman arguing on phone with husband: Calm down, please. I'm sending you a picture of a funny cat. Go look at the cat.


Employee: Next time, just use me! I’m a tool!

2 Charlotte Street
Sackville, New Brunswick