Manager: I hope those envelopes don’t have subpar glue on them.
Boss: I don’t know; I’m a lover not a licker.
7 Middlesex Road
Tyngsboro, Massachusetts
Manager: I hope those envelopes don’t have subpar glue on them.
Boss: I don’t know; I’m a lover not a licker.
7 Middlesex Road
Tyngsboro, Massachusetts
Clerk: I’m startin’ the day with two “ah, shits” and not an “atta boy” in sight.
1400 Douglas Street
Omaha, Nebraska
CEO: I think we should name [the product] SINBAD after [Janet].
Underling: “SINBAD”?
CEO: Single Income, No Boyfriend, and Desperate.
27 Gillies Avenue
Newmarket, Auckland
New Zealand
News rep #1: The reporter wants an expert on idols and graven images…Is it “graven” or “craven”? I couldn’t really hear him.
News rep #2: I don’t know, let me look it up…”Craven: Characterized by abject fear; cowardly.”
News rep #1: Hmm…I don’t know…Is it “graven” or “craven” images?
Director of News: It’s “craven”. Definitely. Those words always go together: craven images.
200 South Craig Street
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Interviewer: Tell us about your experience working with a team on a shared goal. We have a team environment here. We carry each other’s balls all the time.
6275 Neil Road
Reno, Nevada
Co-worker: You know, if this office were a reality show it would be called Derm’d If You Do And Derm’d If You Don’t. I would go to the bathroom to bitch to the camera in the mirror about our shitty patients.
675 North St. Clair Street
Chicago, Illinois
Co-worker #1: Is this the small conference room, northwest corner?
Co-worker #2: It’s the smallest one.
Co-worker #1: So that’s why they gave it the name “small conference room”?
1661 Feehanville Drive
Mount Prospect, Illinois
Office Worker: This file won’t unzip! Unzip, you! Dammit, unzip!
Supervisor: You should try sweet talking it a little bit. Maybe you should buy it dinner first.
105 North Hudson Avenue
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Analyst: It’s ten minutes ’til beer o’ clock!
535 Routes 6 & 209
Milford, Pennsylvania
Marketing: Oh my god, I don’t know what is going on with this, but I swear, I had to look up so many big words while I was doing this thing; Like…”ire“? “Emu“? What the hell are these?
421 NW Riverside Drive
Evansville, Indiana