
CSR: Is Mike there?
Man: Do you know what day it is?
CSR: What does that have to do with anything?
Man: Well it’s Sunday!
CSR: I know that! Can I talk to Mike?
Man: No it’s Sunday and he isn’t alive on Sunday because he’s a vampire!

375 Ghent Road
Akron, Ohio

Overheard by: No Longer Employed

Security guard: Um, we have a problem here.
Traveler: And what might that be?
Security guard: Do you have any other form of identification? Your driver’s license is expired.
Traveler: No, it’s not… this is 2006.
Security guard: You may pass.

General Mitchell Airport
Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Overheard by: Feeling Secure

Man walking into building to security guard: I think I can do it with a screwdriver and wire coat hanger.

Houston, Texas

Flood vic #1: So I said to my boss, “I won’t be able to make the meeting in NYC, because my house is flooded and I had to evacuate.”
Flood vic #2: So what did she say?
Flood vic #1: She said that she was stressed out about having to cancel the meeting and incoveniencing the people in NYC.

Flood shelter cot

Overheard by: sitting on a cot waiting for Noah.

Exasperated meeting contact: I think the temp I hired is mildly retarded, so I’m going to need your help with this.
Concierge: My mother drank and smoked while pregnant with me.

Penn and Liberty Avenues
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Older man: So, are you hungover?
Younger woman: No. Why? Do I look hungover?
Older man: No. I just wanted to start a conversation, and I don’t know what else to talk to you young people about.

501 Second Street
San Francisco, California

Female customer: My sunglasses are broken. One of the screws fell out, and a guy in here yesterday said they would replace them with a new pair.
Woman behind counter: Oh, I remember you. You’re just looking for a screw, right?
Female customer, after entire store stops laughing: Aren’t we all, really?

1051 North Rush Street
Chicago, Illinois

Overheard by: Standing behind you

Man at photo kiosk: I just finished sending my selections and edits through, and then it froze.
Worker: Hmm. Locked up. Happens a lot. All the info is gone, unfortunately.
Man: I spent 45 minutes here, doing this.
Worker: I’m sorry. Here’s a $3-off coupon for next time.
Man: Three bucks for 45 minutes?

Worker’s cell phone rings. He walks away.

Avon Target
Avon, Indiana

Overheard by: Shatmandu

Security guard: What’s your pant size?
Male shop-lifter: I don’t know… I just started wearing girls’ pants last week.

101 Clearview Circle
Butler, Pennsylvania

Overheard by: Charpie

Lady with sick cat: My husband is going to kill me if I spend any more money on this cat.
Man with dog: That’s sad that you’re married to someone that’s like that. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for my pets.
Lady with sick cat: You want to go get a beer after this?

Jersey Avenue
Port Jervis, New York