Boss: The black one is almost 88% bigger, but the yellow one is more efficient.
Coworker: Let's just stick with the white ones, it's simple and we know how they work.
Raleigh, North Carolina
Boss: The black one is almost 88% bigger, but the yellow one is more efficient.
Coworker: Let's just stick with the white ones, it's simple and we know how they work.
Raleigh, North Carolina
Peon #1: Where’s Kevin* today?
Peon #2: What is it, Thursday? Guess it depends on whether he’s black or gay today.
Hopkinsville, Kentucky
Overheard by: will1966
Black lady cleaning out her desk: I got to get rid of all these crackers in here.
White guy passing through: I heard that!
Wilmington, Delaware
Overheard by: Saltine McCrackerface
Coworker, in hushed voice: You know, the thing about black men is that they have really nice asses. They really do.
National Institutes of Health
Bethesda, Maryland
Coworker: We need to get some white girls at this venue.
Manhattan, New York
Boss: It was some chick college…
Minion: I have to ask, was it an Asian chick college?
Phoenix, Arizona
Overheard by: outside laughing
Worker #1: …True dat, dawg.
Worker #2: I hate to be the one to break it to you, but you are white.
1400 Walnut Street
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Secretary: The mailman was supposed to come back today, but I haven’t seen him yet.
Agent: Which mailman was it? The old guy, or the nerdy guy with the glasses?
Secretary: No, it was an Asian guy.
Agent: Oh. He’s probably having lunch again.
1610 SE Bybee Boulevard
Portland, Orgeon
Young wife to husband: You know the guy across the street, Jose*? I think he's gay.
Husband: I don't think he's gay, I think he's just Hispanic.
Belleview, Florida
Overheard by: He married into the family, I swear
Woman on phone: Mom, tell my brother that if he doesn’t pick up his car, I’m gonna have it towed.
Woman on phone: Because I don’t want it parked in front of my house.
Woman on phone: Because I don’t want to advertise to the entire neighborhood that black people live here.
465 Main Street
Charlestown, Massachusetts