Punk rocker to another: I really want a job in Chinatown, but there's one problem–I'm white!
Punk rocker to another: I really want a job in Chinatown, but there's one problem–I'm white!
African-American co-worker: So, maybe you can help me out with this, are Italians black or Latino?
Italian-American co-worker: I’m white. Just white, man.
African American co-worker: Maybe you didn’t understand the question.
4800 University Drive
Durham, North Carolina
Office manager, calling out to boss: Do I have to take the diversity training if I am married to a black guy?
Viking Drive
Eden Prarie, Minnesota
Overheard by: I wouldn’t think so
African American worker #1: I don't claim African American. Who is to say I'm not Jamaican or Dominican Republic?
African American worker #2: Are you serious? Look at yourself!
African American worker #1: You can't make me black!
Hawkinsville, Georgia
VP to manager: I mean, Barack Obama…he's much more purple than even black.
Franklin, Tennessee
Overheard by: Morgan
Aggravated nurse, complaining about slave monitor malfunction: Can someone come help me with this goddamn thing again?
Helpful, tech-savvy male nurse: What's the matter?
Aggravated nurse: My slave is black!
Boston, Massachusetts
Overheard by: Speechless, blinking….
Intern #1: That whole team is full of white receivers.
Intern #2: What’s wrong with white receivers?
Intern #1: They’re slow, man. I hate to be racist, but they are slow.
Intern #2: Yeah…
Intern #1: Hey, can I be racist against my own race?
1555 Pearl Street
Boulder, Colorado
Black office worker after getting lunch: Teriyaki sauce? Sweet and sour sauce? No BBQ sauce? How am I supposed to eat my chicken nuggets, don't they know I'm black?
New York City, New York
Overheard by: Jesus Jon
Customer Service Specialist on phone: No, sir. You just had a credit line increase yesterday…Well, sir. That’s how the potato chips.
Customer Service Specialist: …Damn towelhead.
14700 Citicorp Drive
Hagerstown, Maryland
Co-worker #1: [Anna] is really mean.
Co-worker #2: It’s because of her race.
Co-worker #1: What? Her race?
Co-worker #2: Yeah, whatever she is; they’re all like that.
171 17th Street NW
Atlanta, Georgia