North Carolina

Customer: I don't know if I should get the two years subscription, I might not live that long.
Employee: How old are you?
Customer: 68.
Employee: Well, Tom*, that's a crapshoot.

Harrisburg, North Carolina

New office girl: Oh! You just had to go and print on the noisy tractor-feed printer. Now I can't hear my song!
(printer stops)
Old office girl #2: Is that…?
Old office girl #3: The Titanic Song?
Old office girl #2: Are you serious?
Old office girl #3: THIS is your song?

Charlotte, North Carolina

Hair stylist: What do you do for a living? You look like a lawyer.
Customer: Actually, I’m a doctor.
Hair stylist: Well, that’s a kind of a lawyer.

Cloverdale Plaza
Winston-Salem, North Carolina

Customer: Do I have to pay for that over the phone?
Customer service agent: Yes, ma’am.
Customer: Do you take cash?

Glenwood Raleigh, North Carolina

Overheard by: suse

Cubicle #1: Since I have to travel through Virginia next week, I’m going to take Amy*’s suggestion and get a mega millions ticket. The powerball isn’t working out so well for me.
Cubicle #2: My husband laughs at me because I want to keep working if I win the lottery.
Cubicle #3: What!?
Cubicle #2: Yeah, I want to keep working.
Cubicle #3: Well…
Cubicle #1 & #3, in unison: I wouldn’t work here.

England Street
Charlotte, North Carolina

Boss: The incentive this month is: the person with the most accounts will get a steak dinner on me. And you can bring your boyfriend or girlfriend or whatever, you don't have to eat alone, I'll pay for them too.
Female sales rep: What if I have like eight boyfriends?
Boss: Well, then you're a whore. I don't know what else to tell you.

Charlotte, North Carolina

Sandwich artist: What kind of sandwich do you want?
Guy: I’m a vegetarian, so I want the veggie sub.
Sandwich artist: What items do you want on it?
Guy: Everything in the picture… And throw some chicken on there.
Sandwich artist: You can’t have chicken on that! Chicken is meat!
Guy: Chicken ain’t meat! Just put it on there!

Charlotte, North Carolina

Office girl #1: Where were you yesterday!
Office girl #2: I was sick, sorry.
Office girl #1: Sick with what?
Office girl #2: Head cold… My nose was running really bad.
Office girl #1: Oh, yeah? What color was the snot?
Office girl #2: Ummm… Clear-yellowish-like.
Office girl #1: No infection — you could have come in!

8220 England Street
Charlotte, North Carolina

Overheard by: Why would she answer that??

Records tech: I used to have more vacation time before I worked [in this department]! But I guess since I started taking vacations…

Manning Drive
Chapel Hill, North Carolina

Overheard by: seftiri

Girl: Yeah, so I have to go buy this see-through tank top and a see-through skirt for tennis. It’s so stupid. And I will have to wear another tank top underneath my see-through tank top and some shorts to cover up my balls–I mean… [laughs really hard]

Career Center
Winston-Salem, North Carolina

Overheard by: not-so-smart asian.