
Attorney: I drank 14 beers last night.
Admin: You counted?
Attorney: I counted this morning. That was a solid performance, if I do say so myself.

Pearl Street
Austin, Texas

Funny boss to admin: Sugar turns into fat and it just sits…in your butt!

Omaha, Nebraska

Secretary, poking head into crowded conference room: Has anybody seen Mike Hunt?

Houston, Texas

Overheard by: Coffee out of my nose…

50-something admin talking about a gay couple she knew in the past: Back then there was an astigmatism associated with it.

Medical Center
Houston, Texas

Overheard by: Wow am I glad my last day is in a week.

Secretary: So, what's her husband like?
Manager: Oh, he's kind of like Mr Bean…you think he may be slightly autistic but he's still really sexually attractive.
Secretary: Uhh…


Anesthesiologist to orderly at computer: What's my schedule look like?
Orderly to anesthesiologist: At 3 o'clock you get to knock that woman out.

New York City, New York

Manager: Or are you in so deep that you have to finish it before you can move on?

Chattanooga, Tennessee

Overheard by: figuratively speaking, of course

Boss: Can you come help me with this Excel thing? I deleted something that I needed.
Admin: Okay. Well, you should just click “undo”.
Boss: What's “clickundo”?

Dayton, Oregon

Overheard by: glad to be in a different department

Admin assistant: So, the batteries are in that bin over there when you need them, you know, for office uses and stuff.
Boss: Yeah, no personal use for your…personal toys.

San Diego, California

Overheard by: Kimberly

School director to parent considering enrolling child: Our classes are full. We have a waiting list.
Parent: [Blank look.]School director: You are Chinese?
Parent: No, Korean.
School director: But you speak Chinese.
Parent: No, Korean.
School director: Well, that’s the same thing, right?

Irving, Texas