Possible Sexual Harassment

Office chick #1: Hey, I like your shoes. Are they new?
Office chick #2: Thanks. I’ve had them for a while. I just haven’t been wearing them.
Office chick #1: They’re kind of low cut.
Office dude: Yeah, I can see a lot of arch. If this was the middle east, I’d totally be raping you right now.

Rancho Cordova, California

Overheard by: Good thing we’re in Cali.

Boss: You like that little tool, don't you?
Worker: The keyboard? Yeah, it's great.

Uniontown, Ohio

Office manager: Did you see that episode of South Park where they were talking about a camel toe?
Sales assistant: Ooh, lay off the camel toes! I have one. One of my toes is longer than the other and I hate wearing sandals.
[room bursts into snickers] Sales assistant: What?? Quit making fun of my toes!

8220 England Street
Charlotte, North Carolina

Female peon: Personally, I can handle four inches without a problem. Doesn’t bother me.

1250 Broadway
New York, New York

Cube monkey with web problems on phone to IT: Ugh, I can’t get it up. Get your ass over here — I can’t get it up!


Overheard by: Mhlanguli

Accountant: We’re taking Mark* to Joe’s Crab Shack for his retirement party at the end of the month.
Secretary: Is that where you want to go? I figured you for more of a Hooters man. Wouldn’t you rather have Hooters than crabs?
Mark: I thought the two went hand in hand! You can’t have one without the other.

401 Church Street
Nashville Tennessee

Teacher #1, to teacher #2: I like my vagina the way it is, I wouldn’t change a thing about it.

Aberfoyle Park High School, Taylors Road East
Aberfoyle Park, South Australia

Overheard by: Megan

Voicemail: Hello, this is Joe* from engineering, I’m having a problem with my computer, and was told you could help me out. It appears that there is a problem with my fixed dick…er, ficked disk, fisk dick.
[pause] FIXED DISK…..

4747 Harrison Avenue
Rockford, Illinois

General manager to hostess who slipped and fell: So, how’s your ass?

Beaumont, Texas

Male legal assistant: Sean*, all we need is vaginas.

Salt Lake City, Utah

Overheard by: Confused Coworker