Worker #1: Damn, they’ve spelt my name wrong on the rota again.
Worker #2: How did they do that?
Worker #1: They used the wrong letters, idiot!
Trafalgar Road
Birkdale, Southport
Worker #1: Damn, they’ve spelt my name wrong on the rota again.
Worker #2: How did they do that?
Worker #1: They used the wrong letters, idiot!
Trafalgar Road
Birkdale, Southport
Sales engineer: Hey, you can’t use that, that’s a sales punch!
Accountant: Care to see a finance punch?
59 Marsh Lane
Solihull, West Midlands
Admin: You know that guy upstairs? Dan*? He pinched me with a pair of tweezers on that fatty bit you get on your hips and it *really hurt*. So I went back and burned him with a spoon.
Graphic designer looking at logo: Looks like a free hand job to me.
Overheard by: Johnny Bystander
Man: It’s not my fault the guy was a fucking idiot… It may have been my fault that I told him, though.
New Street Station
United Kingdom
Overheard by: I would have told him, too
Guy behind counter on cell: So I’ll be there soon….What’s that sound?….Oh, yeah! I thought I heard a tornado in the background!
Hall’s Archery Range
Manchester, England
Coworker #1: You ever fucked a girl so hard she bled?
Coworker #2: Nah, but I've seen it.
Coworker #1: You've seen it?!
Coworker #2: Yeah, I walked in on my mate and this girl.
Coworker #1: And you stayed around long enough to see that she was bleeding?!
Coworker #2: Well, it was my turn next.
Admin: Can I go home after we’ve finished this bit? I don’t usually work long Fridays.
Boss: I’ve got two nephews to buy presents for and then decide what to wear for a pimps and hos party after this, and you think you’ve got problems?
Brighton, United Kingdom
Cube monkey with web problems on phone to IT: Ugh, I can’t get it up. Get your ass over here — I can’t get it up!
Overheard by: Mhlanguli