Coworker #1: Snogging is heavily kissing… Not getting to third base.
Coworker #2: Oh. I thought snogging was a kind of drink.
Chicago, Illinois
Overheard by: Annabelle
Coworker #1: Snogging is heavily kissing… Not getting to third base.
Coworker #2: Oh. I thought snogging was a kind of drink.
Chicago, Illinois
Overheard by: Annabelle
Waiter: Is it your birthday today?
Customer: No.
Waiter: Oh, sorry. It’s just that there are a lot of birthdays this year.
Minot, North Dakota
Overheard by: Taggart Snyder
Name-dropper: I know a guy who’s been on Cops twice!
Indianapolis, Indiana
Overheard by: Quizno
Coworker on phone: No, sir, I am not an idiot.
Chicago, Illinois
Trekkie coworker: Dude, at the convention they had light sabers for sale for two hundred dollars.
Bored coworker: So?
Trekkie coworker: They were just plastic, they weren’t even real!
County Road 427
Auburn, Indiana
Overheard by: Doesn’t have a real light saber either
Girl #1: My boyfriend is in the pen.
Girl #2: For how long?
Girl #1: He’s been there for three years.
Girl #2: Wow! You’ve been faithful to him for three years?
Girl #1: My heart has been…
2720 Villa Prom
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Overheard by: FrancesDanger
Boss: Why do you look so sad?
Employee: You really want to know?
Boss: No.
Toledo, Ohio
Overheard by: jullylully
Boss on phone with IT: How do I see my future emails?
1246 Princeton Street
Akron, Ohio
Lunchbreaker: Do you want half my cheeseburger?
Worker: No.
Lunchbreaker: Oh, d’oh. I forgot.
Worker: If I’m going to eat meat again, I wanna eat a slab of beef that is over thirty dollars. I want to make sure that when I’m in the bathroom with cramps, that it is worth it.
1 Easton Oval
Columbus, Ohio
Coworker #1 on boss: Is he here? I think his light’s out.
Coworker #2: I’m not even going to touch that one.
111 E Wacker Drive
Chicago, Illinois
Overheard by: Hear No Evil