Customer Service

CSR to IT guy carrying video camera on tripod: Hey, it's tripod man!
IT guy: What else can I say but thanks!

Insurance Office
Portland, Oregon

Overheard by: Dadn8tr

Phone Rep: Sir, are you self-employed?…OK. And do you own the prison?

14700 Citicorp Drive
Hagerstown, Maryland

Caller, after lengthy pause: Sorry, I’m just unplugging the computer.
Tech support: That’s ok. I just pretend I’m getting one of those heavy breathing calls.

Memphis, Tennessee

CSR on phone: Excuse me, I’m not a woman I am a man and you are being very nasty…I’m not yelling at you; do you want me to yell at you?

1650 Broadway
New York, NY

CSR: You know sometimes when you blow, you can feel it in your throat?
Secretary: No, I don’t blow that hard.
CSR: Well, I blow hard and I can feel it sometimes. It sucks.

541 Lexington Avenue
New York, NY

Overheard by: Eve S Dropper

Customer: Do I have to pay for that over the phone?
Customer service agent: Yes, ma’am.
Customer: Do you take cash?

Glenwood Raleigh, North Carolina

Overheard by: suse

CSR: Good morning. ABC Bank* — how can I help you?
Customer: I’d like to talk to the person who answers the phones after hours — y’know, the 24-hour line?
CSR: The 24-hour line is automated, but I can put you through to–
Customer: –No, no, no. I want to talk to the lady who answers the phone when you’re closed.
CSR: Oh, see, that’s not an employee. It’s a recording.
Customer: What? No. See, I spoke to her three times last night and she knows my situation, so I need her. Is she there during the day?
CSR: … Sir, it’s not a real person. It’s a recording [hangs up].

Decatur, Tennessee

CSR: May I have your name, please?
Customer: It's “Kathy.”
CSR: Just to verify, that's “k” for Kansas, “a” for apple, “t” for Tom, “h” for Harry, and “y” for, ummm…uhh…Wyoming?
Customer: Correct.

Quezon City

Client services department on Monday morning: Now that carny was hot!

Bloomfield, Connecticut

CSR verifying an address: “J” as in the letter “J” in the alphabet?

Manhattan, New York