
Coworker #1: About that e-mail you sent… Do you want me to copy the file onto a disc and mail it or do you want me to send the file as an e-mail attachment?
Coworker #2: So you can't just copy the file to a disc and e-mail the disc?

Brentwood, Tennessee

Indignant office girl: So she was like “and I'm going to so-and-so cafe and I'm eatin' so-and-so…”

Nashville, Tennessee

Cubicle dweller #1: What better way to die, backpacking across Antarctica?
Cubicle dweller #2: I can see the headline now, “Man dies while being sodomized by a leopard seal.”

Church Street
Nashville, Tennessee

Nepotistic hire: How do I google?

Knoxville, Tennessee

Temp #1: Are you drinking hot water?
Temp #2: With some lemon, yeah. Why?
Temp #1: Doesn't hot water make you have to crap?
Temp #2: What?
Temp #1: Hot water makes my grandmother have to crap.
Temp #2: What?

Nashville, Tennessee

Account biller #1: Let me ask you something, what am I supposed to do with those claims the boss just gave me?
Account biller #2: Your job, perhaps?

Memphis, Tennessee

Overheard by: Cala

VP to manager: I mean, Barack Obama…he's much more purple than even black.

Franklin, Tennessee

Overheard by: Morgan

Secretary: Well, I’m out for the rest of the day. I’ve got a doctor’s appointment.
Coworker: Oh, have fun!
Secretary: Yeah… Because nothing says ‘party’ like bloodwork and pap smears…

401 Church Street
Nashville, Tennessee

Manager: Or are you in so deep that you have to finish it before you can move on?

Chattanooga, Tennessee

Overheard by: figuratively speaking, of course

Woman to another, in restroom: Well, I don't think about it that hard. I just keep sticking it in there and wait to see what happens.

Union City, Tennessee

Overheard by: Did She just say that?