
Physical therapist: Where did you get the cake?
Teacher: BJ's.
Physical therapist: Oh! I love BJ's!

Manhattan, New York

Professor: For example, say I give this woman a hundred-dollar bill… No, that's not a good example. Say I give her a mug of hot lava…

Stevens Tech
Hoboken, New Jersey

Teacher #1, to teacher #2: I like my vagina the way it is, I wouldn’t change a thing about it.

Aberfoyle Park High School, Taylors Road East
Aberfoyle Park, South Australia

Overheard by: Megan

Professor: So, you see how within Foucault’s understanding power always returns, because it is in the very organization of our thoughts?
Student in back row: Those sons of bitches!

2001 Main Street
Buffalo, New York

Instructor: Nine times out of ten, if you shoot at something you're either going to hit it or miss it.

Camp Shelby, Mississippi

Biology teacher: So, in conclusion, diffusion is ions separating from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration.
15-year-old blonde: So it’s like an orange, right?

High school
Cherry Hill, New Jersey

Overheard by: jess

College director in office: I know, it's so sad. Now when I wake up there's nobody licking my face.


Overheard by: Haffy

Student: It kinda smells like bunnies.
Supervisor: What?
Student: Yeah, bunnies. Haven’t you ever smelled bunnies?
Supervisor: Uh, no, I don’t go around sniffing rodents usually. And besides, I’m congested, so all I’m smelling today is boogers.

1145 E. South Campus Drive
Tucson, Arizona

Overheard by: Rasputin

Parent to teacher: Would it be possible for students to have extra recess time instead of silent reading?

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Teacher: I just love children!
(silence in the room)
Teacher: Medically speaking, of course…

New York

Overheard by: Yeah, I think I'm gonna leave now…