New Mexico

New supervisor: I'm not sure how to code one of my employees. She's been out for over a week with a medical condition.
HR assistant: You should talk to Dave*. He's the STD expert.
New supervisor: It's not that kind of a condition…
HR assistant: I meant “Short Term Disability.”

Santa Fe, New Mexico

Overheard by: Jeannie

Receptionist: God, I love today.
Supervisor: You know, I hate it when you get laid.
Receptionist, blushing: Yeah, I know…
General manager: You're just saying that because your wife won't put out.
Supervisor: That's not really funny.
General manager: Yeah, it is… If we were lucky, Tammy here would hire out, then everyone could get laid.

Roswell, New Mexico

Overheard by: Yikes!

Office guy: We want this cockroach to look gorgeous, but at the same time, you know, not a cockroach of the night.

Las Cruces, New Mexico

Break tape manager, searching for a clip: Did you do Barry Manilow?
Talent coordinator: You know? I think I did.

PBS Affiliate
New Mexico

Overheard by: Josette

CSR: Hang on, I’ll use my fingers… My head isn’t working today.

Clovis, New Mexico

Overheard by: 23 minutes longer & i’m outta here

Coworker: My best friend, like, he used to be black, so I sometimes speak with a black accent.

Albuquerque, New Mexico

Overheard by: Master Mahan

Employee #1: Do we have any Band-Aids in the back?
Manager, after long pause: Uh…I don’t think so.
Employee #2: Oh, Susan* said we did. I need one.
Manager: Um…I’m pretty sure we don’t, but I’ll look.

After disappearing in the back for 5 minutes, manager comes back out to the register.

Employee #1: So there were none back there?
Manager: Nope.
Employee #2: I’m sure there are some. Not even in the first aid kit?
Manager, after another long pause: Oooh! Band-Aids! I thought you said, “Mayonnaise”!

Victoria’s Secret
New Mexico

Security guard #1: What do you call those people who aren’t Chinese or Japanese or Asian?
Security guard #2: Korean?

State Capitol Building
Santa Fe, New Mexico

Overheard by: doodles

Boss: Paychecks didn’t come again today. I can lend you money if you need it.
Employee: I have a wedding rehearsal dinner for 50 that I need to pay for this Thursday.
Boss: Well if I lend you the money to pay for it then I’m coming. Where is the dinner?
Employee: I’m not telling.

551 W. Cordova Road
Santa Fe, New Mexico

Someone from upstairs on PA system: Mrfff marhhh purpfff rrharp!
Receptionist downstairs on PA system just moments afterwards, completely deadpan: Would Charlie Brown's parents please stop paging people on the intercom? Thank you.

Roswell, New Mexico

Overheard by: The Help