Diet & Weight

Female coworker on chiropodic problems: Over time, the fat underneath your balls deteriorates, especially if you work out.

Cincinnati, Ohio

Executive secretary, as she leaves a “Respect in the Workplace” class, to male worker: You’ve lost six in a week!? You’re disappearing! Anymore and there will be nothing to grab on to!

South Park Circle Office
Orlando, Florida

Overheard by: Megalicious

Female coworker to male: I wish I could sweat like you. Then I wouldn’t be so fat.

1250 Broadway
New York, New York

Large woman looking in bathroom stall: Lord, I can't even fit in there! I'm just gonna hold it.

Navy Yard
Washington, DC

Co-worker #1: Hey! Welcome back. I can’t believe you have mono!
Co-worker #2: Yeah, [Tamra] wants to make out with you so she can lose 50 pounds.

1700 Montgomery Street
San Francisco, California

Overheard by: Stephani

Coworker on phone: But he always says, ‘I can’t dance, I can’t dance…’ No, it’s because his breasts jiggle around when he swings his hips, and he’s so insecure about his breasts. That’s why he can’t meet any girls — his breasts move whenever he dances.

Austin, Texas

Cube drone #1: I took the bus this morning, and I was squashed in by this really fat woman.
Cube drone #2: (sympathetic noise)
Cube drone #1: That's the thing about taking the bus. I mean, it's really sad– poor people tend to be fat.

Washington, DC

Office lady, staring at box of muffins: Evil, evil, evil.

St. Louis, Missouri

Worker bee #1: You're too skinny!
Worker bee #2: It's not my fault. I try to eat crap!

San Rafael, California

Coworker: I just heard you're seven months pregnant! Wow, and here I thought you were just gaining a lot of weight.
Pregnant chick: Thanks? (laughs)
Coworker: Really! I just figured you were gaining weight!
Pregnant chick: Right. Gotcha. Thanks.

Bethesda, Maryland