Designers and Photographers

Designer: It’s National Talk Like A Pirate Day!
Writer: I know.
Designer: You already knew? And you didn’t tell me? I should smack you.

312 Plum Street
Cincinnati, Ohio

Graphic Designer: So let me know when you can get me that FreeHand job, I’m not busy today.
Art Director: No problem.

650 South 6th Street
Minneapolis, Minnesota

Copywriter, after noticing web designer refreshing makeup: Wow. Look at you. Got a hot date?
Web designer: No. I'm meeting people. And I've never met them in person before.
Snarky PR specialist: And you don't want them to know right away that you're a horrible person?

Las Vegas, Nevada

Overheard by: Looks like Diva

Photographer: Anyone have a top hat in the building? How about a riding crop? If you do, please let me know. I won’t tell anyone.

508 Young Street
Dallas, Texas

Designer #1: So what do you want the parameter name to be?
Designer #2: Let's call it “xmlFileUrl”, with the “f” and the “u” capitalized.

Baltimore, Maryland

Boss, leaning over printer: I'm getting duplicates up the wa-doo-da!
Gay art director: I hate when that happens.

The Village
Manhattan, New York

Admin: One of our districts is having trouble modifying a document from our website.
Graphic Designer: It can’t be modified. It’s a PDF.
Admin: Right. So I was wondering if you would turn off the PDF so they can make their changes.
Graphic Designer: …Um, no.

2100 I-70 Drive SW
Columbia, Missouri

Designer #1: Hey Susan*, did you have a traditional Pearl Harbor celebration?
Designer #2: Yes, I did. I–
Designer #1, interrupting: –Did you make airplane noises on the drive home?

495 Union Avenue
Memphis, Tennessee

Overheard by: one cubicle over

Female art director, watching male creatives gawking at models: They're just human.
Male copywriter: They're not human! Take that back!

New York City, New York

Overheard by: Lucy

Coworker to graphic designer: Can we make the Tiki man more totem like?

Washington, DC