
Angry man about faulty hard drive: Don’t tell me it’s empty when there’s shit on it! Shit is shit and empty is empty! This thing is lying to me like the White House!

Electronics store, 2721 East 3rd Street
Bloomington, Indiana

Overheard by: Tony

Owner: All I can do about it is bitch, so I'll bitch. Is that okay with you?
Clerk: We haven't found a way to stop you yet, so yeah, I guess so.

Indianapolis, Indiana

Overheard by: BFS

Coworker on phone: Why do you need to know what type of printer I have?…Well, I guess I could read the name of the printer to you off of the printer, if you suggest that… Here’s the name written right here. It’s F then U, C. Are you writing this down? K and then Y. Then finally O, U…Hello, hello?

4175 Central Avenue
Indianapolis, Indiana

Coworker #1: Dude, let's go to the strip club next week for lunch.
Coworker #2: Hmmm, well… maybe, but I'm supposed to be the one in charge next week.
Coworker #1: Exactly.

Meridian, Indianapolis

Coworker #1: Have you filed your travel voucher for that conference in Indianapolis?
Coworker #2: Yes.
Coworker #1: Let me see your copy so I can fill mine out correctly.
Coworker #2: Here you go.
Coworker #1: Let’s see. You used the year ’05 instead of ’06, did not provide departure/arrival times, omitted your social security number, and didn’t total the round trip mileage and mileage reimbursement columns. Thanks.

4555 Central Avenue
Columbus, Indiana

Doctor to inmate: So what are they accusing you of this time?
Inmate: Oh, they're not accusing me, I did it.

County Jail Medical Office
Evansville, Indiana

Overheard by: Molly

Coworker, surfing the net: What the crap? Is every Preston* in the world naked in their profile?

West Lafayette, Indiana

Guy #1: eHarmony. Maybe I should try that.
Guy #2: You’d have to know how to log on to a computer first.

190 N. Main Street
Roanoke, Indiana

Engineer to secretary: I don't want to be accused of misplacing nine years of your life!

Indianapolis, Indiana

Overheard by: 812

Woman pushing baby carriage: Bob*, I think it’s dead.
Bob: Nah, it just needs a charge.

530 West State Street
West Lafayette, Indiana

Overheard by: Schmeckendeugler