
Pretty girl: Sorry, I got distracted by my trash can!

Tulsa, Oklahoma

Customer service rep, randomly: Oh my god, I wanna watch Flashdance so bad!

Tulsa, Oklahoma

Receptionist: I slept a lot this weekend, 'cuz I drank a lot, you know? I woke up at 5:30 yesterday afternoon, which, you know, just hurt my feelings.
Boss: What?

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Overheard by: freudian flip

Cube rat to another: … Or you could try masturbating five times in one day!
Customer, entering moments before: [Clears her throat.]Cube rats: … Shit.

NW 39th Street
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

CSR #1: Everyone says that Jesus was on the bookshelf the whole time. But what if he wasn't on the bookshelf…
CSR #2: People will put Jesus wherever they want to put him.
CSR #1: Oh my god, that's so deep!

Tulsa, Oklahoma

Cube dweller: I don’t see why people need fertility counseling. They should just buy some cheap liquor and rent a Camaro. It worked for everyone I know on the South Side.

Norman, Oklahoma

Coworker angrily hanging up: Geez! What is wrong with these customers?! I’m trying to watch a colo-rectal comedy on UTUBE!

2600 Van Buren Street
Norman, Oklahoma

Overheard by: Nina

Priest to another, in hospital hall: I'll be right there, I've got to go into the little boys room first…

Tulsa, Oklahoma

Overheard by: Cornfused

Nurse: People just keep calling me and calling me about getting pain pills called in. They just need to be a little sauced up — then they’d be fine!

14100 Parkway Commons Drive
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Boss: Never put two cranky diabetics in the same room together. All you’ll get is ‘”fuck this,” “shit this,” and “blood sugar that!”

1200 Sovereign Row
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Overheard by: shaun