Male employee, leaving bathroom: Be careful in there. I just gave birth to a little brown man!
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Overheard by: Gagging Uncontrollably
Male employee, leaving bathroom: Be careful in there. I just gave birth to a little brown man!
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Overheard by: Gagging Uncontrollably
Coworker: I love that movie Dazed and Confused! It’s one of those that you don’t have to be smart to enjoy.
1200 Sovereign Row
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Overheard by: Jayce
Co-worker #1: Did you just say you asked the location to give the
customer a little ass?
Co-worker #2: Yeah, ass…ya know, assistance.
Co-worker #1: Um…once again…ass is not the abbreviation for
Boss: What’s going on?
5330 E. 31st Street
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Peon #1: Hey, boss, there is a water leak up on the second floor.
Boss: Well, let's get up there and check it out.
Peon #2: So there's a leak in the roof, huh?
Peon #1: Yeah, but the good thing is: it only leaks when it rains!
Elk City, Oklahoma
Office assistant: I can take 'em in my mouth all day long, but not in my body.
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Seven-year-old daughter on speakerphone: I saw a cute mother-daughter necklace at the store. It said “if daughters were flowers I'd still pick you.” See, mom? I'm like a flower! I smell sweet!
Mother: Yeah, and when you die, I'll throw you away.
Pryor, Oklahoma
Overheard by: Danielle
Chelsea's* boss, pointing to a 3-foot tall box: So Chelsea*, want some condoms?
Chelsea*, indignant: I don't need any!
(client laughs)
Boss: Chelsea*! Not you! For the clients!
Chelsea*: Oh sure! For the clients, yeah.
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Sales assistant on phone: What? I thought you were a boy. Well, as long as they don’t match.
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Overheard by: what?
Guy #1: I was talking to Megan the other day. She is pretty cool.
Guy #2: Yeah, she is, but man, she is really bulimic.
Guy #3: Bulimic? What does that mean? Does that mean she’s deaf?
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Overheard by: T
Worker: I need you to pick up one of my kids, since you're already out there.
Peon: Why? What happened?
Worker: She missed the bus…again. Oh, wait, it gets better. It was the short bus. How do you miss the freaking short bus? It waits for you! The cherry on top of the sundae is that this is the second time it's happened.
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma