
Coworker: It’s just a motivational meeting. I don’t care if I miss it.

1180 Jefferson Road
Rochester, New York

Person: Hi, I’m here for my 1 o’clock meeting. I know I’m a little early…
Receptionist: I’m sorry, what?
Person: I’m here for my meeting at 1; I’m early. Sorry about that.
Receptionist: Um…Yeah, it’s almost 3…So…
Person: Oh sorry, right, 3, must be in a different time zone.

9250 Beverly Boulevard
Los Angeles, California

Secretary: Well, I’m out for the rest of the day. I’ve got a doctor’s appointment.
Coworker: Oh, have fun!
Secretary: Yeah… Because nothing says ‘party’ like bloodwork and pap smears…

401 Church Street
Nashville, Tennessee

Principal, on the way to a client meeting: Time to go get a pee-pee smack.

San Diego, California

Overheard by: Hidden by the Copier

Account manager: Hey, [the customer] wants us to come in and make a presentation. Are you available to come with me next week?
Sales director: No. What I’m planning to do is to put together an entire project team — sales, marketing, engineering, quality, manufacturing, maybe even finance. I want to show that we have a comprehensive cross-functional team in place, so that we look like we know what we’re doing, no matter that the customer asks.
Account manager: That sounds great. Who else is gonna be on the team?
Sales director: Well, it looks like just me and you for now. Ask me again next month.

28100 Cabot Drive
Novi, Michigan

Boss in meeting room: Enough of the dragon talk, gentlemen.

Madison, Wisconsin

Heard in staff meeting: Grease up and let it slide off!

Support Building
Green Bay, Wisconsin

Overheard by: AMuseIng

Office drone #1: Hello, may I help you? (pause) Who? Allen Michaels?* Please hold.
(shouting) Does anyone know where Allen* is?
Office drone #2: He's not in yet. Don't know where he is.
Office drone #1: I'm sorry, he's in a meeting. He said he'll call you back. (pause) Yes, he knows it's urgent. Thank you. (hangs up)

New York

Overheard by: Jay-B (I work in a wacky place)

Front desk guy at staff meeting: Ah, yes… I'll shoot that one out to all of you by Friday.
Male office director: Oh, Michael, I love it when you talk dirty!
Female secretary: Erm… I'm not putting that in the minutes.

Boston, Massachusetts

Overheard by: taking notes

CEO wrapping up a video conference: I just want to thank everyone for making this the best three-way I’ve ever had!

Traverse City, Michigan

Overheard by: Admin Assistant K