Account Manager: I totally disagree with this, with every fiber of my being.
Creative Director: Wow, thats a lot of fiber.
720 East Pete Rose Way
Cincinnati, Ohio
Employee: Do you always have to act like a child?
Manager: This company is all about innovation. And studies have consistently shown that the most innovative thought comes from the ages of five and under.
31601 Pacific Hwy South
Federal Way, Washington
Manager: It would be misleading of me to tell you that there was any hope of you having a job.
1919 Swift Drive
Oak Brook, Illinois
CIO: So, we’re okay now?
Manager: No, we still have problems, but they’re higher quality problems.
5000 Ellin Road
Lanham, Maryland
Overheard by: Cantabile
Associate: I have a idea that might be helpful.
Manager: You know what a suggestion is? It’s an OFI: Opportunity For Improvement.
327 West 14th Street
New York, NY
Overheard by: Fidget
Supervisor: Boy, that was one killer party! I’ve never kissed so many butts at once in my life!
640 5th Avenue
New York, NY
Producer: So, here is everything you need for the meeting.
Account Person: Okay. Did you get a chance to make the changes we talked about?
Produer: What changes?
Account Person: The changes that were brought up in the call. I talked about them in the conference wrap-up email.
Producer: I didn’t get a conference wrap-up email.
Account Person: Well I know, I didn’t send it to you yet.
466 Lexington Avenue
New York, NY
Junior Boss: I once crashed a car into a tree for the insurance money.
31401 Via Della Pace
Overheard by: Lorelie Long
Manager: Thank you, you are an officer and a gentleman.
1175 Peachtree Street NE
Atlanta, Georgia