
Male in next cubicle, about a scar: I have one, but it's under my pants.
Female work bee: Well, let me see it. (pause) Wow, that's huge!
Male: I know, I've had it since I was little.

El Paso, Texas

Overheard by: Daniel

Director #1: [Beth], sit over here!
Director #2: Yeah [Beth], this is the power row.

2111 North Haskell Avenue
Dallas, Texas

Engineer on phone to pumper: You gotta have the sucking and the blowing. (pause) Does he have liquid? (pause) That's why you gotta keep on blowing and sucking. (pause) Yeah, great, thanks.

Dallas, Texas

Dumbest: He said he had a stomach ache so I gave him some Aflac–you know, rolodex?
Less Dumb: Antacids? Rolaids?

7th and Congress
Austin, Texas

Office grunt #1: So, why are you taking off on Friday?
Office grunt #2: To lay some pipe. ‘Cause layin’ pipe pays more than this job does.

Houston, Texas

Overheard by: Giggling Silently

Coworker: Hey, I have a question.
Female coworker: Hold on a sec, I'm trimming my balls.

Fort Worth, Texas

Overheard by: Sarah

Repairman on phone: Sometimes they bust out and you’ve got to give them oral…

1200 West Main Street
Tomball, Texas

Overheard by: Sarah Lashley

Employee to boss returning from lunch with wife: Excuse me, can I smell your fingers?

Frisco, Texas

Delivery guy: When I got out of the Air Force I thought I was done with paperwork, but it looks like I’m destined to do paperwork.
Receptionist, uninterested: Oh, really?
Delivery guy: Yeah, but most of my time in the Air Force I can’t talk about.
Receptionist: Uh-huh.
Delivery guy: It’s top secret stuff.
Receptionist: Oh, okay.
Delivery guy: Can’t talk about it.
Receptionist: So don’t.

Austin, Texas

Overheard by: Waby

Crazy dog lady: Ajax was running around in the shower this morning and chasing the water. It was so cute!
Coworker: He was in the shower with you?
Crazy dog lady: Yes. He needs to get clean. He has a white coat and he gets so dirty.
Coworker: You took a shower with your dog? Were you naked? Ewww…
Crazy dog lady: What? He was dirty!

Fort Worth, Texas