
Guy on phone: You gotta fuckin’ tone it down, dude. I’m a fuckin’ salesman, and I’m tellin’ you, you gotta fuckin’ tone it down. I like you. I’m tellin’ you this because I like you.
Guy on speaker: Thanks.
Guy on phone: But you gotta fuckin’ tone it down.
Guy on speaker: Could you please tell me what this is in regards to?

Boston, Massachusetts

Coworker #2: She just looks that way, it's her default face.
Coworker #1: Well, her default face looks like someone murdered her puppy.

Springfield, Massachusetts

Female peon #1: It’s so hard to go out, never mind find a new guy. My ex and I both grew up in Randolph, so we know everyone. I can’t go anywhere without him or his friends being there.
Female peon #2: You should come to The Jug with me. I know plenty of guys your age.
Boss: You want to meet guys in a bar? You should get a nice guy from church.
Female peon #2: Are you suggesting that we work the church?

Avon, Massachusetts

Overheard by: Fae

Presenter: We're going to go over our organization's strengths and weaknesses now. So, do you want to talk about how much we suck or how much we rock first?
Audience member: That's what she said.

STAND Conference, Harvard
Cambridge, Massachusetts

Self-important guy: Most hot dogs in the US are pretty much vegetarian anyway.

Lexington, Massachusetts

Overheard by: amused and disgusted

Woman on phone with client: Let me put this to you another way: you pay for four hours with a whore. You buy her a catsuit. At the end of that time, you don't own the whore. You may still retain the catsuit but what good will that do you, since you're a 45-year-old balding fat guy? You might as well leave the catsuit with the whore.

Defense Contractor
Andover, Massachusetts

Employee to another: We've got to take down this Palin display. It's upsetting the customers.

Boston, Massachusetts

Overheard by: erica

Dude: Why you goin’ to a tupperware party? You’re a grown-ass man, dawg!

10 Coventry Street
Boston, Massachusetts

Overheard by: supremo

Paralegal: Well, Montreal is technically in America.

Design Center Place
Boston, Massachusetts

Overheard by: umm … really?

X-ray tech: I just finished with Seaman. You know, his friends call him “cum.”

Lakeville, Massachusetts