
Manager, about co-worker's brother: He really should've started with the mafia at a younger age.

Boylston Street
Boston, Massachusetts

Cubicle rat to another: So you buried your grandmother? So are you, like, sad?

Boston, Massachusetts

Inside Wholesaler #1: We could cast a fourth Lord of the Rings with some of the people that work on this sales desk.
Inside Wholesaler #2: I know! [Janet] looks like a stump with eyes and a mouth.

601 Congress Street
Boston, Massachusetts

Overheard by: Rob Moody

Auto salesman: When are you due?
Young woman: Two weeks. I can’t wait for this to be over.
Auto salesman: This is just the beginning! The baby is much more work.
Young woman: No, I mean, I can’t wait to not be such a fatass. I hate fat people.
Auto salesman: Uh-huh.
Young woman: Can you imagine how many people get abortions because they don’t want to be fat?
Auto salesman, after long pause: I can honestly say that no, I cannot imagine that.

Boston, Massachusetts

Overheard by: Purely horrified

Co-worker #1: Hey, why did you get a coffee this morning? We’re getting free Starbucks coffee today, remember?
Co-worker #2: Oh, this isn’t a coffee. It’s a latte.

90 Shawmut Road
Canton, Massachusetts

Assistant #1: Do you have any idea when the last time I threw up was?
Assistant #2: 1993? April?
Assistant #1: ’94, 12 years ago.
Assistant #2: Yeah, you told me already. I marked it in my calendar so I can put ipecac syrup in your coffee that day.
Assistant #1: I told my therapist that and he was floored
Assistant #2: My dad is like that too. He’s thrown up once since I’ve known him.
Assistant #1: Since you’ve known him? When were the two of you introduced?
Assistant #2: Since I came out of my mother.
Assistant #1: Hot.

800 Boylston Street
Boston, Massachusetts

Project manager: Well, the design document is undergoing revisement.
Tech lead: Excuse me, undergoing what?
Project manager: …it’s being revised right now.
Tech lead: Don’t you mean revision?
Project manager: No. That would be like saying that listening to someone’s advice is taking their words under advision.

One Charles Park
Cambridge, Massachusetts

Claims adjuster: Can we go to your office? I need to discuss something. And I'll bring the kegs. Where are the kegs? They were just here.

McKinley Square
Boston, Massachusetts

Overheard by: Receptionist

HR: Okay [Jen], here is your six month review. You are doing excellent work, we couldn’t be happier, you adapt especially well to change and keep this office running like a tight ship. We have put you in for a substantial raise.
VP: We have come to the decision that we will be closing this office. Everyone’s last day of work will be December 31st–
HR: –and here are your severance packages.

238 Bedford Street
Lexington, Massachusetts

Coworker: Sometimes it amazes me just how much poop comes out of my body.

80 Broadway
Somerville, Massachusetts

Overheard by: Orlando Furioso