Dumb Bosses

Manager: So, I need to ship something to Belgium. Belgium is in the Netherlands, right?

15585 Highway 11 N
Cottondale, Alabama

Overheard by: BAMA

Manager: I hate it when black people make a big deal about being black when they accept awards. It’s like the Holocaust; they have to get over it.

4189 Route 9
Freehold, New Jersey

Overheard by: Robert Max Freeman

Art director, peeling an orange: I wish homeless people smelled like oranges.

Oak Lawn Avenue
Dallas, Texas

Semi-boss: No, I mean, I just misspelled every single word and, like, inverted letters and stuff.
Assistant: Maybe your hands were in the wrong place on the keyboard… Or maybe you have that thing that Tom Cruise has.
Semi-boss: Scientology?

Newark, Delaware

Manager #1, waiting for elevator: He said it was intermittent.
Manager #2: He said it was what?
Manager #1: You know, like in her mittens.
Manager #2: Oh, in her mittens.
Manager #1: Yeah, mittens. (makes lobster claw motions with hand)
Manager #2: I never understand a word that comes out of his mouth.

Middleton, Wisconsin

Overheard by: The Receptionist

Manager: Can you spell my email address?
IT guy: It’s your name!
Manager: I know, but could you spell it for me?

1979 Marcus Avenue
Lake Success, New York

Overheard by: Why am I the temp again?!?

General manager to hostess who slipped and fell: So, how’s your ass?

Beaumont, Texas

Boss to underling: It's not that Ender's Game is Sci-Fi, it's just set in the future.

Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Overheard by: annoyed office mate

Project manager: Well, the design document is undergoing revisement.
Tech lead: Excuse me, undergoing what?
Project manager: …it’s being revised right now.
Tech lead: Don’t you mean revision?
Project manager: No. That would be like saying that listening to someone’s advice is taking their words under advision.

One Charles Park
Cambridge, Massachusetts

VP: Hi! Nice to see you. I hope we’ll be meeting soon!
Ad agency rep: Yes, like right now? Since that’s why we’re here.

Central Park South
New York, New York