Dumb Bosses

Manager: Everybody who was smoking pot in here last night is fired! … Okay, looks like I have a vacant building.

Schenectady, New York

Overheard by: fired

JP Morgan Office Manager: Do he know he have a meeting? Her said he have a meeting.

38 W. 75th Street
New York, NY

Boss: He's going to either London or England. I'm not sure which.

Pasadena, California

Overheard by: Paper Pusher

Co-worker on phone: When you get out of the subway station start walking North–
Manager: Don’t tell them that…your North is different from my North and it’s a tarantula downpour outside. You don’t want them walking the wrong way in the rain.
Co-worker: Everyone’s North is the same and it’s torrential downpour.
Manager: Everyone’s North is the same? I always get my Norths mixed up.

535 8th Avenue
New York, NY

Overheard by: Angie Rowe

Boss: Mmmm! This pizza’s good.
Employee: Oh, yeah. This deep dish one is great.
Boss: Oh, yeah. I saw that one, but it looked too weird to try.
Employee: Yeah, it’s Chicago style.
Boss: Oh, that’s why. I like just good old American-style pizza.

Frost Bank Building
Austin, Texas

Overheard by: dizzle

Sleazy office manager: She’s got it going on! I’d fuck the shit out of her in a heartbeat! Oops, I should probably close the door.

30 South Wacker Drive
Chicago, Illinois

Boss: Where did that report go? I have a meeting in less than ten minutes! Where did you put that report?…I just had it! Why do you keep hiding things on me?
Secretary: Look in your briefcase.
Boss: It’s not in my briefcase! I just looked in it! Why would it be in my briefcase?
Secretary: Because you just put it in there, dumbass.
Boss: No, I didn’t! I would know if it’s in my briefcase!
Secretary: You sure?
Boss: Yes! I’m positive! I know it’s not…Oh, here it is.
Secretary: And where was it…?
Boss: In my briefcase.
Secretary: Dumbass…go to your meeting and stop bugging me.
Boss: I have to buy you lunch again, don’t I?
Secretary: Yep. And don’t even think that Burger King is going to cut it this time.

One Penn Plaza
New York, NY

Overheard by: mshorty

Manager: Does anyone else hear an ice cream truck?
Office: …
Manager: I need a vacation so bad.

625 Second Street
San Francisco, California

Boss to customer: Would you like to try my meat? It tastes just like maple! Ask anyone — they all tried it!

Lee, New Hampshire

Boss: We are a team. If you tell me that you cannot work on your day off, then you are not being a very good team member.

1119 N. Brown
Casa Grande, Arizona

Overheard by: Alisa