
Intern on phone: I'm milking this teabag for all it's worth.

Chicago, Illinois

Irish construction worker #1, exiting job site: You know what's wrong with this job?
Irish construction worker #2, behind him: What?
Irish construction worker #1: We're workin' on an Irish bar, and there's no bloody beer!
Irish construction worker #2: Sure there is! There's Guinness!
Both, in chorus: In cans! (they spit on the ground)

Haigh Street
San Francisco, California

Yuppie analyst #1: Dude, that girl you took home last night was maybe a 3.
Yuppie analyst #2: I mean…it was my birthday, I had way too much to drink, I… (pauses) You're right…no excuses…she was a total farm animal.

New York City, New York

Boss on phone: That’s what I’m saying! He’s had his beer, he’s had his Vegas, he’s a Muslim, and I’m going to hell.

1st Street
Los Angeles, California

Employee on phone: What did you say? I'm not going to drink the blood of a cow!

New York City, New York

Office Mormon to guy drinking beer at dinner: Dude, you're so drunk.
Drinker: I don't tell you what it's like to be Mormon, so you don't tell me what it's like to be drunk.

Honolulu, Hawaii

Phone monkey to supervisor getting beer out of bag: So, can I drink this at my desk or do I have to go outside?

Government Call Centre

Boss, on phone: What do you expect them to do? (pause) Drink and have sex?

Manhattan, New York

Overheard by: joe marks

Female coworker: I was still drunk when I came to the office this morning.
Male coworker: I thought you seemed happier.

Boston, Massachusetts

Boss: Have you seen Tina today?
Loudmouth: Yeah, at 1 am, passed out in the shrubbery!

DeKalb, Illinois

Overheard by: also hungover