
Guy engineer #1: Hey, want a muffin?
Guy engineer #2: Dude, you’re my muffin.
Guy engineer #1, in small voice: I feel uncomfortable now.

E. County Road
Wellington, Colorado

Boss: So when I format the hard drive, it erases the operating system too?
Worker: Yes.
Boss: Oh…

3937 Ivywood Lane
Pueblo, Colorado

Caller: I am calling about a claim that was denied last week.
Insurance customer service: Which claim is that, ma'am?
Caller: The one from my doctor's visit while we were in Hawaii.
Insurance customer service: Well, ma'am, your policy doesn't cover international medical claims–so your doctor's visit in Hawaii wouldn't be covered.

Denver, Colorado

Student #1: I thought Dan* hated it when you used the word ‘retarded.’
Student #2: No, Jen* is retarded, Dan is gay.

6450 South Fiddlers Green Circle
Greenwood Village, Colorado

Overheard by: Toddd

Intern: I wish I could remember Matt Damon's name in Good Will Hunting

Santa Fe Building
Denver, Colorado

Passenger: What time does the five o’clock bus leave?
Bus driver, sarcastically: I don’t know.

Boulder, Colorado

Overheard by: Another bus driver

Oblivious female boss flipping through magazine: Oooh, pooter! I love pooter.
Startled worker: What?!
Oblivious female boss: Look — pooter letter openers!
Startled worker: Um, that word is actually pronounced ‘pewter.’ [Under his breath] Christ.

6101 O’Connell Avenue
Colorado Springs, Colorado

Overheard by: TK

Intern #1: That whole team is full of white receivers.
Intern #2: What’s wrong with white receivers?
Intern #1: They’re slow, man. I hate to be racist, but they are slow.
Intern #2: Yeah…
Intern #1: Hey, can I be racist against my own race?

1555 Pearl Street
Boulder, Colorado

Manager: I’ll just talk a lot… but not really say anything.

5800 South Quebec Street
Greenwood Village, Colorado

Overheard by: leedle

Sales guy, about customer: She’s an idiot.
Customer service manager: Awesome!

4755 Walnut Street
Boulder, Colorado