
Boss: Hey, maybe we should launch this as an app.
Developer #1 to #2: What is he talking about?
Developer #2: I dunno, that guy's a fool!
Boss to developer #2: I will step on your throat!

Tempe, Arizona

Overheard by: David

Director of sales and marketing baby-talking and hugging his iBook: Some day you’re going to be a dinosaur and no one is going to like you! But not me! No, I love you, little iBook.

401 West Clarendon Avenue
Phoenix, Arizona

Overheard by: reservations monster

Dad: Come on, guys, pick out a gift and let’s go…
Son: I know what we’re giving Mommy.
Younger daughter: A big butt! A really big B-U-T-T!

Barnes & Noble
Glendale, Arizona

Overheard by: Blue Girl In A Red State

Coworker: I can't touch that.
Manager, walking by: Whoah… Let him touch it!

Phoenix, Arizona

Circulation clerk: I was talking to her about how peaceful it is in here, and now she’s going to go get a knife.

1035 North Treat Avenue
Tucson, Arizona

Overheard by: Volks

Sales #1: There’s lint on your shoulder.
Sales #2: Oh.
Sales #1: Here, I’ll pick it off. Wait, here’s Scotch tape; that works better.
Sales #2: I feel like those monkeys that pick bugs off each other’s heads and backs.

712 South Hacienda Drive
Tempe, Arizona

Fat black girl: My mom — she’s bein’ so damn nosy. Yesterday she says, ‘V, tell me something I don’t know about you!’
Fat white girl: So, what’d you say?
Fat black girl: I said, ‘I like it in the ass! That shit is wonderful.’
Fat white girl: Hahaha, oh my god. Wait, how is that her being nosy?
Fat black girl: Well, it’s what she get. She didn’t know it; now she does. Serve her right for askin’.

Clothing store, 4500 North Oracle Road
Tucson, Arizona

Overheard by: i just wanted to shop

Boss: It was some chick college…
Minion: I have to ask, was it an Asian chick college?

Phoenix, Arizona

Overheard by: outside laughing

Cube guy #1: I’m gonna need your help today getting into the client.
Cube guy #2: Didn’t you do what I told you to do yesterday?
Cube guy #1: Oh, yeah. That worked — I got in from the back end, but I want to get in the front of the box.
Cube guy #2: Well, to get in the front end of the client you need to follow a very different procedure.
Cube guy #1: Right, that’s what I need. I’m hoping you could give me a little direction if you’ve ever done it that way.
Cube guy #2: Sure, that’s the way I usually go in.

Internet company
Scottsdale, Arizona

Overheard by: Cube Guru

Student: It kinda smells like bunnies.
Supervisor: What?
Student: Yeah, bunnies. Haven’t you ever smelled bunnies?
Supervisor: Uh, no, I don’t go around sniffing rodents usually. And besides, I’m congested, so all I’m smelling today is boogers.

1145 E. South Campus Drive
Tucson, Arizona

Overheard by: Rasputin