
Lawyer: You know they are bringing in immigrants and everything.
Conference caller: I don't know if I want to testify against a Sudanese refugee! Do we have to?
Lawyer: Something tells me we are not going to win this.

Phoenix, Arizona

Attorney to paralegal: Do you still have those creepy photos of that dead guy?

Asheville, North Carolina

Attorney to client: Are you a predator taking advantage of her?

New Jersey

Attorney, exiting elevator: It's either that or hookers!

Norwalk, Connecticut

Attorney on phone: I don't ever want you to be afraid to clamp down on my boys.

Durango, Colorado

Lawyer on phone with client: Where would you like to get sued first?

Huntington, New York

Overheard by: Lady Lawyer

Judge to clerk: Hey, you got shoes on. You're first class today!

Oakdale, Louisiana

Attorney on phone: What does it smell like?

Tysons Corner, Virginia

Law Firm Guy: What’s a tsunami?

100 Maiden Lane
New York, NY

Lawyer: I didn't ask for it, I didn't seek it out. All I know is that someone had their hand on my penis.

Chesapeake, Virginia