Possible Sexual Harassment

Technician: Hi, can I get under your desk for a second to look at your box?

1440 Broadway
New York, NY

Male boss to female employee: The best way to learn is on your knees. That way they don’t fall as far if you drop them.

Orlando, Florida

Male computer tech to male computer user: Hey, if you let me get between you legs I can fix that issue.

Las Vegas, Nevada

Woman #1: The classified logo scripts aren’t working.
Woman #2: Bob* is working on them, but he’s going on vacation tomorrow so the scripts won’t be done until September.
Woman #1: September?!
Woman #2: Yeah, well, you can have IT work on it, but then who knows how long it’ll be before they get around to doing it.
Woman #1: Think they’d do it faster if I showed them my boobs?

1111 West Bonanza Road
Las Vegas, Nevada

VP: I just completed sexual harassment training! Who’s gonna be my first victim?
Assistant: Me!

1 Glenlake Parkway
Atlanta, Georgia

Male coworker: It’s like the client is the ovum — no… No… Yes, the ovum. And my ideas are the sperm and the boss is the scrotum and the creative department is the shaft and my sperm keep on trying to get in the egg — they try and they try — and some of them are strong and good swimmers and some are, like, dormant–
Female coworker, interrupting: –Stop.

Ad agency
New York, New York

Overheard by: Dr Phyllis

Manager: Do you need these pants hemmed?
Customer: Yes
Manager: Do you have one leg that is shorter than the other, sir?
Customer: Yeah, the middle one.

3255 Peachtree Road
Atlanta, Georgia

Girl holding can of soup: Well, one can makes soup for more than one person.
Guy staring blankly: Uh-huh.
Girl: So, how many do you want to get?
Guy: I can totally see down your shirt, by the way. Now, what?
Girl: Were you listening to a word I was saying?!
Guy: No, I was staring at your breasts.

Red River H-E-B supermarket
Austin, Texas

Overheard by: Natalie

Teacher: I just love children!
(silence in the room)
Teacher: Medically speaking, of course…

New York

Overheard by: Yeah, I think I'm gonna leave now…

Managing editor on speakerphone: Do you know how to adjust columns in Excel?
Assistant: No…
Managing editor: What do you know?
Assistant: Um… I know that when a man and a woman get together, they–
Managing editor: –Come to my office.

Camden Street
Baltimore, Maryland

Overheard by: Ren