
Director: We might have to pay for some T&A to get someone to go visit the client.

5720 Peachtree Parkway
Norcross, Georgia

Receptionist: Every time I hear that phone, it’s ringing!

3424 Peachtree Road NE
Atlanta, Georgia

African American worker #1: I don't claim African American. Who is to say I'm not Jamaican or Dominican Republic?
African American worker #2: Are you serious? Look at yourself!
African American worker #1: You can't make me black!

Hawkinsville, Georgia

Very upset patient to patient coordinator: People think that because I have a severe brain injury I don't know what I am talking about.

Atlanta, Georgia

Annoyed female coworker: Stupid pants! Get in my crotch!

Atlanta, Georgia

Overheard by: B. Rye

Co-worker #1: [Anna] is really mean.
Co-worker #2: It’s because of her race.
Co-worker #1: What? Her race?
Co-worker #2: Yeah, whatever she is; they’re all like that.

171 17th Street NW
Atlanta, Georgia

Co-worker #1: Does she always send emails in 72 point font?
Co-worker #2: Oh, that’s “mad” typing.
Co-worker #1: How should I respond to this?
Co-worker #3: You should reply using 86 point font.
Co-worker #2: They don’t make 86 point font. I’ve tried it before. You should use 8 point font in Bernhard Fashion BT or some other font that’s hard to read.
Co-worker #1: Yeah, I’ll do that. She won’t be able to read it.
Co-worker #2: That’ll really piss her off.

620 Greison Trail
Newnan, Georgia

Co-worker #1: Hey, do we need to dress up when the Japs show up next week?
Boss: Don’t ever refer to them as Japs! That’s racist and very offensive. Please refer to them as Japanese instead.
Co-worker #2: Hey, while we’re being all culturally sensitive and shit, can I show up to work dressed as a ninja to welcome them to America?

115 Perimeter Center Place, NE
Atlanta, Georgia

Coworker on phone: Well, tell her to bend over and hand you some KY.

Cartersville, Georgia

Overheard by: Shocked and Disturbed

Worker #1: I thought you were supposed to be at the doctor.
Worker #2: Look at me! I can’t go in there! He’d put me on something for sure!

4182 Forsyth Road
Macon, Georgia