Bosses and Underlings

Assistant Building Emergency Coordinator: Why don’t we have the security officers make the evacuation announcements? They are located next to the building PA system.
Manager: I am not sure they are qualified and capable of using the microphone to make announcements.

600 Wilshire Boulevard
Los Angeles, California

Head of sales: You came to this meeting on Monday morning and you know I’m going to be asking questions. So even if you don’t know the answers, make some shit up. You’re in sales, you have to sell, so make shit up!

1515 Broadway
New York, NY

Worker: Dude, come look at my cubicle.
Manager: You mean you weren’t working?
Worker: No, I had to decorate.

1700 Market Street
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Peon: Well, you know as they say, “Necessity is the mother of all invention.”
Boss: That’s cool, did you just make that up?

800 E. 28th Street
Minneapolis, Minnesota

Overheard by: jearu

Supervisor: We have to use E. G.
Co-worker: “E. G.”?
Supervisor: Yeah, engineering judgment.

20000 Rotunda Drive
Dearborn, Michigan

Boss: I think there’s something wrong with my computer! You better call the help desk.
Assistant: Sure, what’s the problem?
Boss: Well, I logged into my computer this morning and I only have 5 emails.
Assistant: …And you usually have more.
Boss: Yes, I have at least 50 each morning.
Assistant: The help desk can only fix your computer, not your popularity. Sorry.

1775 Broadway
New York, NY

Underling: You’ve got mail!
Financial Analyst: I don’t know that person. All right, I’ll take it.
Underling: There was some white powder in there, but I smelled it; it seemed fine.
Financial Analyst: Well, that’s good. Terrorists don’t use anthrax anymore.
Underling: Just family and friends now, huh? Excellent.

27 Terrace Drive
Vernon, Connecticut

Department Head: You don’t get to choose what the conference is on, there is a pre-set list and they will be allocated around the team.
Co-worker: In that case I think I’ll run a conference on Pathfinders.

Websters Ropery
Ropery Road, Sunderland

Overheard by: Jennifer Stevenson

VP: Our newsletter is gonna be sexy.
Co-worker: I thought we’re trying to be more corporate.
VP: I’m the VP of corporate development, and i’m telling you we’re sexy!

100 William Street
New York, NY

Business Services Manager: I just sent you that logo in Word format.
Web Manager: Word isn’t really an image format, but I can probably make it work.
Business Services Manager: Well, I probably have it in another format. I think I might have it as a Giraffe.

211 Commerce Street
Nashville, Tennessee