Woulda Been a Lot Easier Just to Say, “Sure, No Prob”

Boss: Hey, can you make a calendar that looks like this? [Hands a paper to her.]Underling: Yeah. You know this is from [the other agency], right?
Boss: Yeah, the client likes it. We have to go with that.
Underling: But their calendar is a copy of the one I did for the client. The client just handed it to them, and they made all these little changes.
Boss: Yeah, just do it like that.
Underling: But I already did it. They only took my calendar and messed with it.
Boss: Just make it look like this one!
Underling: But it’s my calendar!
Boss: Just make it look like this one! [Boss stalks off.]Underling, to entire office: Am I in a Dilbert cartoon?

3rd Avenue
New York, New York