Hold on a Sec–Can You Order Me a Pizza?

Radiologist receptionist to dermatology patient with the wrong number: I'm sorry, I think you have the wrong number. Dr. Green's office is just down the hall; the extension is 1234. You're welcome. Buh-bye.
(pause, then answers again)
Receptionist: No, you've got the wrong extension again. Dr. Green is at 1234. It's no problem. You're welcome. Buh-bye.
(pause, then answers again)
Receptionist: Good morning. (pause) Of course, hold on just one moment, please. (dials extension #1234) Hi, I'm calling to confirm Mrs Brown's appointment to have her hairy mole removed. 11:30 am? Thank you so much. (on the other line) The doctor will see you at 11:30 tomorrow morning. Yes ma'am, buh-bye now.

Norwalk, Connecticut

Overheard by: EmLo