Manager: Are you doing okay? I’ve noticed you’ve seemed overwhelmed lately.
Smacking noises and paper shuffling
Assistant: Hmm? Oh, I’m okay. I just can’t find my purple posties.
Manager: Well, i just don’t want you to get frustrated and quit. We value you.
More smacking and agitated paper shuffling.
Assisant: Well, if i wasn’t busy, you wouldn’t need me. Where are those purple posties?
Manager: Don’t worry about the purple post-its right now. I’m asking how you are doing.
Lots of shuffling noises and frantic paper shuffling.
Assistant: I’m fine!
Manager: Are you sure, you really seem stressed.
Still shuffling
Assistant: I’d be doing a lot better if i could find my damn purple posties!
Manager: I’ll come back
Minutes later after lots of loud thuds and much desk smacking and paper shuffling. . .
Assistant: Heey! Here they are! Okay, I’m good now!
8220 England Street
Charlotte, North Carolina