
[In a crowded computer room]Female: Dude, nobody in here even likes you.
Male: I have made love to everyone in this room!

West San Antonio, Texas

Overheard by: CCRadio

Coworker #1: Your outgoing message sounds like a whispering Barry White.
Coworker #2: Well, you know…there are a lot of fruities out there and I got to keep them away.

Dallas, Texas

Matthew McConaughey’s mother: I wish you were Woody Harrelson. He always has better pot than you.

Patrick McConaughey: I fucking hate you too, mom. [out the window] Hey babe… don’t you know who I am?

Matthew: You people bring me down.

Backseat of the car I was driving
Austin, Texas

Cubicle dweller to another: We should have carpooled in together today so that you could drive me home drunk.

Dallas, Texas

Boss: Whoever invented cheese is a great American.
Coworker: Cheese wasn’t invented by an American.
Boss: Well, whoever did invent it should be made an American.

Austin, Texas

Boss: I would love to be the male equivalent of Tara Reid.

98 San Jacinto Boulevard
Austin, Texas

Overheard by: amused

Co-worker: My hubby can be such a dork. We went to the hardware store this weekend because we are refinishing our bathroom. So, I ask the hardware store guy, “Where do you keep your caulk?” Hubby just stood behind me and snickered.

8400 Esters Boulevard
Irving, Texas

Cube guy #1: Yeah, you should go to the overseas office if you get a chance, they treat you real nice there.
Cube guy #2: Really?
Cube guy #1: Yeah, they were real good to me.
Cube guy #2: Yeah? They give you the reach-around?
Supervisor, walking by on the way to his office: What?

Austin, Texas

Comics editor: I already got consent, now all I need to do is find a gas station.

Austin, Texas

Guy coworker: So I know after they've wiped out the rest of my truck, these thieves are thinking, “We can even steal these $3 sunglasses and pawn them for at least a portion of a rock!”
Girl coworker: Rocks are free, dumbass!

Lewisville, Texas

Overheard by: entertained by others' ignorance