
Worker #1: Do you have any time available to meet on Thursday?
Worker #2: It will be pretty tough; I have back to back meetings all day.
Worker #1: How about 11AM?
Worker #2: Okay, I have nothing scheduled at all between 9AM and 5PM.

140 Broadway
New York, NY

Overheard by: HardlyWorking

Department Head: You don’t get to choose what the conference is on, there is a pre-set list and they will be allocated around the team.
Co-worker: In that case I think I’ll run a conference on Pathfinders.

Websters Ropery
Ropery Road, Sunderland

Overheard by: Jennifer Stevenson

Chair: The beauty of this meeting is that we don’t need to make any decisions.

2000 Navy Pentagon
Washington, DC

Angry suit: It’s like I need to come to every meeting if I want to know what’s actually going on!

Boylston Street
Boston, Massachusetts

Overheard by: At EVERY Meeting

Worker: The vendor wants to come in to finalize the program we discussed last month. Can you meet with him next week?
Boss: No, I am booked all week. Wasn't he supposed to send some follow up information?
Worker: I don't know, I was eating lunch.

Washington, DC

Manager: Okay, are we all here? Good. Let's flash Tom*. (picks up the phone and hits the star button)

Confernce Room
Boston, Massachusetts

Male sales rep, about client meeting: So, I heard you were out with a bunch of guys.
Female sales rep: Yeah, four of them!
Male sales rep: Wow, you need a towel?

Omaha, Nebraska

JP Morgan Office Manager: Do he know he have a meeting? Her said he have a meeting.

38 W. 75th Street
New York, NY

Office worker: Do you know what that meeting was about?
Manager: Nope.
Office worker: But, what did we talk about?
Manager: Don’t know, don’t care, anyway, the cookies were nice.
Office worker: They were, weren’t they?

The Hague
The Netherlands

Overheard by: bewildered

Manager: So Mike* is leaving.
Office peon #1: Will anyone notice? What does he do, anyway?
Office peon #2: He's a fluffer.
Office peon #1: What?!
Office peon #2: What? He, y'know, fluffs out his job so it looks like he's doing more than he is.
Manager to office peon #1: After the meeting, you explain.


Overheard by: EarleyDaysYet